Top 5 benefits of DevOps

June 24, 2020

Originally published on TechRepublic.

Speed, quality, trust, and adaptability are just some of the ways DevOps improve business operations. Tom Merritt lists five benefits of DevOps.

DevOps. You hear about it a lot. It’s supposedly the combination of your developers with your operations, so software development with IT with the promise of making it all better. Lots of people tell you how to do DevOps and many of you probably are already told you’re doing it. Why? Here are five benefits of DevOps.

  1. Speed. This will usually be the big one. The idea is that if you use some automation for test and review and some streamlined tools, you can ship faster.
  2.  Quality. Like speed, automation benefits you by letting you feel more confident in your product rather than despairing at ever finding all the bugs. Better organizational tools mean more efficiency, which means more time to spend on quality.
  3. Trust. Since teams are working with each other–rather than isolated from each other–they tend to understand each other better. They know how decisions will affect all teams, not just their own.
  4. Faster Issue resolution. When you do hit a snag, downtime is less because you have better tools to find the problem and habits of transparency and communication that speed up problem solving.
  5. Adaptability. The promise of DevOps is that you have a clear system of processes and prioritization that can handle new things better.

DevOps isn’t magical of course. It takes work and the real-life effects may not be quite as rosy as the promise for multiple reasons. But, now at least you understand the promise that led so many to jump on the DevOps bandwagon. 

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